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Why Commercial Concrete Polish Flooring Is Cost-Effective

Man sweeping a polished concrete floor

Concrete flooring is generally great for all sorts of reasons. It’s tough, resilient to heavy weight, blows, or cracking if properly laid and cared for. However, even this tough, flexible material can suffer from a few problems. For one thing, it tends to absorb certain liquids easily, it can become stained rapidly and of course, many people simply don’t like the look of a raw, matte concrete floor inside a commercial space. It hardly has an elegant glint to it in most cases.

This is where commercial polishing can come to the rescue. A polished floor of solid concrete delivers all the flexibility, hardness, and extremely easy maintenance of ordinary concrete flooring, while also just looking lovely in nearly any commercial context.

Polished concrete floors offer a shine and texture that can be downright beautiful when complemented by different kinds of interior decorating layouts or furnishings. What's more, it offers other strong benefits as well.

Here’s a brief breakdown of these and their sheer utility:

Benefits of Polished Concrete Floors

Polished Concrete Floors Are More Environmentally Friendly

Yes, you read that right. The bottom line for an elegantly smooth, polished concrete floor is that it requires no additional material inputs to be created. If you have an existing concrete floor, which is in any case pretty much a necessity of any commercial concrete structure, making it into a refined polished floor is about nothing more than polishing. There is no additional concrete to pour, no expensive surfacing materials to buy, and no gluing or tile cutting to be done. You simply have the floor polished and washed clean. That’s it, you’re good to go.

Polished Concrete Floors Are Extremely Durable

Because a polished commercial concrete floor is made of the extremely hard slab of floor concrete beneath your building (albeit polished to a fine finish), it’s as durable as that concrete itself. There are no surfacing materials to see chipping off, breaking away, or flaking over time and the floor will be able to handle enormous stresses of weight, foot traffic, and even heavy vehicle traffic. It will in fact handle stresses of all kinds like no other artificial flooring material available today.

Polished Concrete Floors Are Cost-Effective

Again, because your concrete floor doesn’t require anything new to be added to it, having it prepared is extremely cost-effective. If you have an existing cement or concrete floor slab in place, hiring a contractor to polish it down to a fine finish and then clean it thoroughly is all that’s required. Once this is done, you can start bringing back furnishings, inventory, vehicles, or anything else you like with no further waiting required. This feature is unbeatable by any other flooring material standards, in terms of price and saved time.

Polished Commercial Concrete Floors Offer Easy Maintenance

Because a polished concrete floor consists literally of nothing more than slab concrete that’s been polished down to a mirror finish, there’s nearly nothing to maintain about it. The concrete is naturally resistant to wear and tear and no paint, varnish, tiling, or glue of any kind is there to chip off over time. Furthermore, because the floor is finely polished to remove virtually all tiny grooves and rough textures, it’s extremely easy to sweep clean or mop down against liquid stains. This makes polished concrete floors particularly useful for commercial facilities in which a lot of dust and liquid spills happen.

Get Your Concrete Floors Polished Today!

If you own a commercial facility that has concrete floors, that’s all you need in place for setting up a lovely polished finish that stays that way for decades. This is one of the most cost-effective, aesthetically pleasing, and extremely simple interior finishing projects you can give your building if the concrete is already in place on your specific flooring and interior finishing needs. If you’re in the greater Philadelphia and Main Line area, Maryland, Delaware, and Northern Virginia, contact PAINTech today to get started!

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